50. Solve [1/2*2/3] divided by [4/3*1/4]


To solve this expression, we need to simplify and evaluate the given expression step by step.

Step 1: Simplify the numerator and denominator separately.

The numerator of the expression is (1/2) * (2/3). To simplify this, we multiply the two fractions:

(1/2) * (2/3) = (1 * 2) / (2 * 3) = 2/6

The denominator of the expression is (4/3) * (1/4). To simplify this, we multiply the two fractions:

(4/3) * (1/4) = (4 * 1) / (3 * 4) = 4/12

Step 2: Divide the simplified numerator by the simplified denominator.

To divide fractions, we need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. In this case, we have:

(2/6) ÷ (4/12) = (2/6) * (12/4)

Step 3: Simplify the resulting fraction.

To simplify this fraction, we cancel out any common factors between the numerator and denominator:

(2/6) * (12/4) = (2/3) * (3/1) = 2/1 = 2

Therefore, the solution to the expression [1/2 * 2/3] ÷ [4/3 * 1/4] is 2.