33. Simplify a^5/a^3

Because I think when it's like that you subtract the two powers.

Simplify sqrt of a^2
How do you do this?

44. Solve 1/2 * [3/4 + 1/2]


47. Solve 1/2*[3/4divided by 1/2]


49. Solve sqrt of -100
a. sqrt of -100
b. -10
c. 10
d. No answer
C? I think C because I don't think there can be a negative inside a square root, but I'm not sure

MC; sqrt of a^2 is a, by definition.

49. THe correct answer is 10sqrt(-1), or as some write it, 10i
a. is the best choice, but dumb.
47. yes.
44. yes

I'm not sure what you mean by the first one-33

I mean: sqrt a^2= a by definition.

sqrt 16 = 4

33. Simplify a^5/a^3:

To simplify the expression a^5/a^3, you can subtract the exponents since the base (a) is the same. In this case, a^5/a^3 is equal to a^(5-3), which simplifies to a^2.

Simplify sqrt(a^2):
To simplify the square root of a^2, you take the square root of the base (a) raised to the power of 2. The square root cancels out the exponent, leaving you with just the base a. Therefore, the simplified form of sqrt(a^2) is equal to a.

44. Solve 1/2 * [3/4 + 1/2]:
To solve this expression, you need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS), which states that you should perform any calculations inside parentheses/brackets first, then any multiplications or divisions, and finally any additions or subtractions.

First, simplify the addition inside the brackets: 3/4 + 1/2 = 5/4.

Now, multiply 1/2 by 5/4: 1/2 * 5/4 = 5/8.

Therefore, the solution to 1/2 * [3/4 + 1/2] is 5/8.

47. Solve 1/2 * [3/4 divided by 1/2]:
Similar to the previous question, follow the order of operations.

First, simplify the division within the brackets: 3/4 divided by 1/2 = (3/4) * (2/1) = 6/4 = 3/2.

Now, multiply 1/2 by 3/2: 1/2 * 3/2 = 3/4.

Therefore, the solution to 1/2 * [3/4 divided by 1/2] is 3/4.

49. Solve sqrt(-100):
When taking the square root of a negative number, you need to use imaginary numbers. In this case, the square root of -100 would be written as sqrt(-1 * 100).

The square root of -1 is represented by the symbol "i," which stands for the imaginary unit.

Therefore, sqrt(-100) can be simplified as sqrt(-1 * 100) = sqrt(-1) * sqrt(100) = i * 10 = 10i.

So, the correct answer to sqrt(-100) is d. No answer.