A cylindrical glass is 13cm tall and has a radius of 4cm. What is the volume of the glass in cubic cm? What is the volume of the glass in liters if 1cm is equal to .001 liter?

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V = π * r^2 * height = 3.1416 * 4 * 4 * 13 = ?

Divide the above answer by 1000.

How many cubic feet of water can be held in 177ft of pipe whose internal diameter is 36 inches?

To find the volume of the cylindrical glass, we can use the formula for the volume of a cylinder:

Volume = π * radius^2 * height

First, let's calculate the volume in cubic cm:

Given that the radius (r) of the glass is 4cm and the height (h) is 13cm, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Volume = π * 4^2 * 13
= π * 16 * 13
= 208π cm^3 (cubic cm)

Now, to find the volume in liters, we'll use the conversion factor:

1 cm^3 = 0.001 liter

Multiplying the volume in cubic cm by the conversion factor, we can convert it to liters:

Volume in liters = 208π cm^3 * 0.001 liter/cm^3
= 0.208π liters

So, the volume of the glass is approximately 0.208π liters.