4. Does the following set of coordinations make a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line when connected with a straight line? (4, 5) (2, 5)

5. Positive slope indicates a _____ process.
a. steady
b. gaining
c. losing
d. slow

6. The m in the equation y= mx + b represents the _________.


5 a steady process

6. m is the slope

4. To determine if the given set of coordinates (4, 5) and (2, 5) make a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line when connected with a straight line, you need to analyze the change in the x and y values.

In this case, the y-values are both 5, indicating a horizontal line because the y-coordinates are the same. The x-values are different, but since the y-values do not change, the line will be horizontal.

5. To determine if positive slope indicates a steady, gaining, losing, or slow process, you need to understand the concept of slope.

Slope is a measure of how steep a line is. Positive slope indicates that as the x-values increase, the y-values also increase. Therefore, positive slope indicates a gaining process because the values are increasing as x increases.

So the correct answer is b. gaining.

6. In the equation y = mx + b, the m represents the slope of the line.

The slope, m, determines how steep or flat the line is. It indicates the rate of change of the dependent variable (y) with respect to the independent variable (x). In other words, it tells you how much y changes for every unit change in x.

So, in the equation y = mx + b, the m represents the slope of the line.