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Select the word which has its etymological meaning to settle a payment and has the current meaning to supply with capital.
A. firmament
B. Finicky
C. Finess
D. *Finance

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Is it C ?

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It's A

To identify the word that satisfies both the etymological meaning of settling a payment and the current meaning of supplying with capital, we can break down the options and analyze their definitions.

A. Firmament: This word refers to the heavens or the sky and does not have any connection to settling payments or providing capital.

B. Finicky: This term describes someone who is excessively concerned with small details or is very fussy. It does not relate to financial transactions or the provision of capital.

C. Finess: This option seems to be a misspelling, as "finess" is not a recognized word.

D. Finance: The word "finance" is the correct option here. Its etymological meaning is indeed associated with settling payments or managing monetary resources. Additionally, its current meaning is to provide funds or capital for individuals, organizations, or projects. This aligns with the required definition.

Thus, the correct word that fits the provided description is D. Finance.