Contrast the report in the "Manitoba Free Press" with the actual situation of the Icelanders when they arrived. Why are the reports so different?

Can someone clarify this question for me please. I don't quite understand.

Thanks a lot.

Why did the newspaper have such different reports about the immigrant Icelanders?

I don't know why? How would I answer this?

Certainly! The question is asking you to compare the report in the "Manitoba Free Press" with the actual situation of the Icelanders when they arrived. The report in the newspaper might have portrayed the Icelanders' situation in a certain way, while the reality might have been different. You need to identify the differences between the two accounts and explain why these differences exist.

To answer this question, you will need to find information about the report in the "Manitoba Free Press" and compare it with historical records or accounts of the actual situation experienced by the Icelanders. You can start by conducting research on the arrival of Icelanders in Manitoba during the specified time period. This may involve looking for primary sources, such as diaries or letters, that provide firsthand accounts of the Icelanders' experiences.

Once you have gathered the relevant information, you can compare the report in the "Manitoba Free Press" with the actual situation. Look for differences in the way the newspaper portrayed the Icelanders' circumstances and compare it with the historical records. Some possible differences could include the depiction of living conditions, job opportunities, or overall experience of the Icelanders.

To explain why the reports are different, consider factors such as the newspaper's agenda, bias, or the limitations of their information sources. The newspaper may have had specific interests or motives that influenced how they portrayed the Icelanders' situation. Additionally, the available information at the time might have been limited, or the newspaper may have relied on biased sources.

Remember, it is essential to back up your answer with evidence from both the report and the historical records to support your claims.