Rank the elements B, Al, Na, Mg from largest to smallest atomic radius.

Would it be: Al, Mg, Na, B?

That looks good to me.

To rank the elements B, Al, Na, and Mg from largest to smallest atomic radius, you need to consider their positions in the periodic table. Atomic radius generally decreases from left to right across a period and increases from top to bottom down a group.

Let's analyze each element:

1. B (Boron): Boron is located in group 13 on the periodic table. It has an atomic number of 5. Boron's atomic radius is smaller than all the other elements given.

2. Al (Aluminum): Aluminum is in group 13 as well, but it has an atomic number of 13. Due to the increasing number of occupied energy levels, aluminum has a larger atomic radius compared to boron.

3. Na (Sodium): Sodium is in group 1, also known as the alkali metals. It has an atomic number of 11. Sodium has a larger atomic radius than aluminum due to its position further down the periodic table.

4. Mg (Magnesium): Magnesium is located in group 2, known as the alkaline earth metals. It has an atomic number of 12. Magnesium has the largest atomic radius among the given elements because it is further down and to the left of the periodic table compared to the other elements.

Therefore, the correct ranking of the elements from largest to smallest atomic radius is: Mg, Na, Al, B.