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Having your car washed at the carwash may be the best way to go, but there are some possible drawbacks. The International Carwashing Association (ICA) has fought back against charges that automatic carwashes, in recycling wash water, actually dump the salt and dirt from one car onto the next. And that brushes and drag cloths hurt the finish. Perhaps there is some truth to these charges. The ICA sponsored tests that supposedly demonstrated that the average home car wash is harder on the car than an automatic wash. Maybe. But what’s “ the average” home car wash? And you can bet that the automatic carwashes in the test were in perfect working order. There is no way you or I can tell for certain if the filtration system and washing equipment at the automatic carwash are properly maintained. And even if they are, what happens if you follow some mud-caked pickup through the wash? Road dirt might still be caught in the bristles of the brushes or strips of fabric that are dragged over your car. Here’s my recommendation: Wash your own car.

Argument: The author argues that it is better to wash your own car rather than using an automatic carwash due to the possible drawbacks associated with the latter option.


1. The International Carwashing Association (ICA) has faced accusations that automatic carwashes recycle wash water, potentially transferring dirt and salt from one car to another. This reasoning is based on information obtained from the ICA.

2. The ICA sponsored tests claiming that an average home car wash is harder on the car than an automatic wash. However, the author questions the definition of an "average" home car wash and highlights the reliability of the automatic carwashes used in the tests. This reasoning is based on skepticism about the validity of the tests.

3. The author argues that it is impossible to determine if the filtration system and washing equipment at an automatic carwash are properly maintained. Additionally, even if they are functioning correctly, the author suggests that road dirt could still be present in the brushes or fabric strips used in the wash. This reasoning is based on potential maintenance issues and the possibility of residual dirt.

Overall, the author presents reasons to support the recommendation of washing one's own car as a better alternative to using an automatic carwash.