what qualities do people in todays society consider barbaric or monstrous? give a real life example

Most people consider murder as barbaric and monstrous.

Here's a real life example from the Congo.


In today's society, there are certain qualities or behaviors that are commonly considered barbaric or monstrous. It's important to note that societal opinions on what is considered barbaric or monstrous can vary, and different cultures may have different perspectives. However, I'll provide a general example that is widely considered barbaric or monstrous in many societies:

Example: Terrorism

Acts of terrorism, such as indiscriminate violence targeting innocent civilians, are universally condemned by society. These acts are seen as barbaric and monstrous due to the immense suffering, fear, and loss of life they cause. They go against the principles of peace, respect for human life, and the protection of individual liberties that most societies value.

It's worth mentioning that this example focuses on an extreme behavior that is widely condemned. However, there may be other actions or qualities that individuals within society view as barbaric or monstrous, depending on their cultural, moral, or ethical perspectives.

In today's society, there are certain qualities or behaviors that are widely considered barbaric or monstrous. These can vary across cultures and can be influenced by societal norms, values, and ethical standards. Here's an example:

One quality that is often considered barbaric in many societies is excessive violence and aggression, particularly towards innocent individuals. Engaging in acts of terrorism, mass shootings, or hate crimes where the intention is to harm or kill innocent people would be seen as monstrous by the majority of people today.

To determine what qualities are considered barbaric or monstrous, one can look to societal norms and values through various means. This includes observing public opinion, looking at legal systems and regulations, studying cultural traditions, analyzing ethical frameworks, and considering contemporary media and literature. It's important to note that these perceptions can evolve over time as societies progress and as values shift.