I want to use the words inaudibly and contradict in a sentence, but I can't think of any.

First of all look each word up in the dictionary. Good dictionaries often even have sample sentences. Pick a synonym that you recognize. Write a sentence with that word first and then just substitute the new word.


Can you use inaudible? "I think she contradicted my point, but her response was nearly inaudible, so I couldn't tell." something like that..sorry it's not great lol

To create a sentence using the words "inaudibly" and "contradict," you can start by understanding the meaning of each word.

"Inaudibly" refers to doing something in a way that is not able to be heard. "Contradict" means to assert the opposite or to deny the truth of something.

Now, let's construct a sentence:

"While she spoke inaudibly, her words seemed to contradict her previous statement."

In this sentence, "inaudibly" is used to describe how someone is speaking quietly, while "contradict" is used to convey that the words being spoken are opposing or conflicting with what was previously stated.

Remember, when trying to come up with sentences or compositions, it can be helpful to think about the meaning of the words and how they might relate to a specific context.