what three political groups came out of the french revolution

Three political groups that emerged from the French Revolution were the Jacobins, the Girondins, and the Montagnards. To find this answer, you can start by researching the French Revolution, its major events, and key political actors. Here's a breakdown of these three groups:

1. Jacobins: The Jacobins were a radical political group led by figures like Maximilien Robespierre. They advocated for democratic republicanism, social equality, and the Reign of Terror during the most radical phase of the revolution.

2. Girondins: The Girondins were a moderate political group that focused on representing the interests of the provinces. They advocated for a constitutional monarchy and a limited role of the central government. However, they were eventually overthrown by the more radical Jacobins.

3. Montagnards: The Montagnards, also known as "the Mountain," were a group of left-wing politicians who sat on the highest benches in the National Convention. They were associated with the Jacobins and played a key role in the overthrow of the Girondins. The Montagnards were known for their radicalism, particularly during the Reign of Terror.

Understanding the historical context and examining different sources such as books, articles, or reputable websites dedicated to the French Revolution can provide more in-depth information on these political groups.