Thank you for any help and assistance.

Here is the question/problem:

Because of the pressure inside a popcorn kernel, water does not vaporize at 100 degrees Celsius. Instead, it stays liquid until its temperature is about 175 degrees Celsius, at which point the kernel ruptures and the superheated water turns into steam. How much energy is needed to pop 95.0 grams of corn if 14 percent of a kernel's mass consists of water? Assume that the latent heat of vaporization for water at 175 degrees Celsius is 0.90 times its value at 100 degrees Celsius and that the kernels have an initial temperature of 175 degrees Celsius.

heat=mass*Lv where mass is 95*.14 grams

To find out how much energy is needed to pop 95.0 grams of corn, you need to calculate the energy required to vaporize the water within the kernel.

Here's how you can approach the problem:

1. Determine the mass of water in the corn kernel:
Since 14% of the kernel's mass consists of water, multiply the mass of the corn kernel by 0.14 to find the mass of water.
mass_of_water = 95.0 grams * 0.14

2. Calculate the energy required to vaporize the water:
The energy required to vaporize water can be calculated using the formula:
energy = mass_of_water * latent heat of vaporization.
However, we have been given that the latent heat of vaporization for water at 175 degrees Celsius is 0.90 times its value at 100 degrees Celsius. Therefore, we need to adjust the latent heat value.

3. Determine the latent heat of vaporization at 175 degrees Celsius:
Multiply the latent heat value at 100 degrees Celsius by 0.90 to find the latent heat value at 175 degrees Celsius.

4. Calculate the energy required to vaporize the water at 175 degrees Celsius:
Multiply the adjusted latent heat value by the mass of water to find the energy required.
energy = mass_of_water * adjusted_latent_heat

5. Convert the energy required from grams to calories or joules, as necessary.

It's important to note that the specific values for the latent heat of vaporization may differ based on the source or reference used for the calculation. Make sure to use accurate values when performing the calculation.