When someone says he blockade me with a chair. What is the word blockade movement compared to?

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To construct a barrier, obstruction or barricade

To blockade someone means to restrict their movement, keep them from doing something.

For instance is a seaport is blockaded, then no one can go in or out.

If a person is blockaded then they can't do what they want to. We put babies in playpens to blockade them from falling down stairs or climbing on top of pianos.

hank You

The term "blockade" refers to an act of obstructing or preventing someone or something from moving forward or accessing a specific area. When someone says they "blockaded" you with a chair, they are essentially using the chair as a physical barrier to impede your movement or restrict your access to a particular space.

To better understand the concept of a blockade, think of a scenario where a road is blocked off with barriers, preventing any vehicles from passing through. In this case, the roadblock acts as a blockade, stopping the flow of traffic and restricting movement.

It is important to note that a blockade can be implemented in various contexts, such as during protests, conflicts, or even in games. The intention behind a blockade is typically to hinder or control the movement or actions of individuals or groups.