Media Services charge $20 for a phone and $30/month for its economy plan. The equation C=30t +20 describes the total cost, C of operating a media service phone for t months.

The total cost for 10 months of service is...
My answer is $320 for 10 months this correct

The question then goes on to ask Ifa customer has only $90 available how many months of service can she receive? I do not know how to figure this part out can someone please help!

Your first part is correct.

90 - 20 = 70
70/30 = 2

To find the total cost for 10 months of service, we can substitute t = 10 into the equation C = 30t + 20:

C = 30(10) + 20
C = 300 + 20
C = 320

So, your answer of $320 for 10 months of service is correct.

Now, let's figure out how many months of service a customer can receive with only $90 available. We will set up the equation using the given information and solve for t:

90 = 30t + 20

To isolate the t variable, we can subtract 20 from both sides:

90 - 20 = 30t
70 = 30t

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 30:

70/30 = t
7/3 = t

Therefore, the customer can receive approximately 7/3 or 2.33 months of service with $90 available. Since we cannot have a fractional number of months, we can round down to the nearest whole number. In this case, the customer can receive 2 months of service with $90.