What are some of the major causes of illiteracy and how can they be avoided?

Illiteracy depends on the measuring instrument.

Most folks are illiterate because they cannot read, and often, cannot analyze. My opinion is that it often is a processing problem in the brain, which makes recognizing words more difficult than "normal". Buy the time these individuals get their brains wired for visual media, they often have given up and have no interest in reading.

There are pockets of illiteracy in one language or another, quite often the illiteracy is in a language other than the Native tongue.

Literacy really ought not to be you have it or not, but on what level does one function in reading?

Bobpursley is right. You need to clarify your question.

I am completely literate in English and semi-literate in Latin. I am illiterate in any other language.

Please clarify.

Illiteracy can be caused by various factors, and addressing these factors is crucial for reducing illiteracy rates. Some of the major causes include:

1. Poverty: Poverty often restricts access to education. Many families cannot afford school fees, buy books, or provide the necessary resources for learning. To combat this, governments can implement policies that provide free or affordable education, subsidize school materials, and provide nutritional support to incentivize children to attend school.

2. Lack of infrastructure: Inadequate education infrastructure, such as a shortage of schools, classrooms, and textbooks, can hinder literacy development. Governments should invest in building schools, improving facilities, and ensuring the availability of educational resources to create a conducive learning environment.

3. Gender inequality: In many societies, girls face significant barriers to education, such as cultural norms, early marriage, and limited opportunities. Promoting gender equality and providing equal access to education for boys and girls is essential. This can be achieved through awareness campaigns, scholarships specifically targeting girls, and ensuring safe and inclusive school environments.

4. Limited teacher training: The quality of education depends on well-trained and motivated teachers. Insufficient training for educators can lead to ineffective teaching methods and poor learning outcomes. Governments should invest in teacher training programs, provide continuous professional development opportunities, and support teachers with adequate resources.

5. Language barriers: Language differences between the home environment and school instruction can impede literacy development. Providing education in local languages, promoting bilingual education, and developing appropriate teaching materials can help address language barriers and improve literacy rates.

6. Conflict and instability: Societies affected by conflict or political instability often have disrupted education systems and limited access to schooling. Efforts should be made to prioritize education during times of crisis, establish temporary learning centers, and support educational programs for displaced children.

7. Lack of awareness and cultural attitudes: In some communities, illiteracy may persist due to traditional beliefs, attitudes, and lack of awareness about the importance of education. Raising awareness about the benefits of literacy, promoting community engagement, and involving local leaders can help change these cultural attitudes and encourage participation in educational activities.

To avoid illiteracy, it is crucial to address these causes comprehensively and implement long-term solutions that prioritize education for all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background, gender, or geographic location.