If the sun is in the center of the constellation Sagittarius on January 10, what time would the sun rise and what time would it set?

Need an answer!!!!!

To determine the time of sunrise and sunset for a specific location on a particular day, we need to consider a few factors such as geographical coordinates and the current year. Since you mentioned the constellation Sagittarius, I'm assuming you are interested in finding the sunrise and sunset times for the Sun's position within Sagittarius on January 10 of the current year.

To find this information, there are various online sources and apps that provide precise sunrise and sunset times based on geographical location and date. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to retrieve this information using one of these sources:

1. Open a web browser or a sunrise/sunset app on your device.
2. Search for a reliable sunrise/sunset calculator or website.
3. Provide the necessary information, such as the date (January 10) and the geographical location for which you want to know the sunrise and sunset times.
- This could be a specific city/town, or you can enter the latitude and longitude coordinates of the location. You can find the coordinates of major cities easily through a search engine.
- In this case, you need to know the coordinates of a specific place where you want to find the sunrise and sunset times.
4. After entering the required information, press the "Calculate" or "Search" button to retrieve the sunrise and sunset times for January 10 in the specified location.

Please note that the sunrise and sunset times can vary slightly depending on the specific location and the year. It is recommended to use a reliable source or app to obtain the most accurate information for your desired location.