how to do real word prombles

Read carefully. Estimate an answer. Use the strategies you've learned to solve the problems.

In math,there is no experience such as practice. Buy a workbook(they abound at bookstores), practice, practice, practice.

You can't play Beethoven's Piano Sonata 32 at the first sitting. It takes practice.

These web sites have practice word problems.

To solve real-world problems, follow these steps:

1. Understand the problem: Read the problem carefully and identify the important information. Make sure you understand what is being asked.

2. Identify knowns and unknowns: Determine what information is given in the problem (knowns) and what you are trying to find out (unknowns).

3. Devise a plan: Think about the strategies or formulas you can use to solve the problem. Consider whether there are any relevant concepts or formulas that can be applied.

4. Solve the problem: Use the information you have to calculate or determine the answer. Take it step by step, and show your work to ensure accuracy.

5. Check your answer: Review your solution to see if it makes sense. Does it align with the problem's requirements? Double-check your calculations and re-read the problem to ensure you haven't overlooked any details.

Here's an example to illustrate these steps:

Problem: John has 3 apples. He gives 2 apples to Mary. How many apples does John have now?

1. Understand the problem: John has 3 apples, and he gives 2 apples to Mary. We need to find out how many apples John has left.

2. Identify knowns and unknowns: Knowns: John starts with 3 apples and gives away 2 apples. Unknown: How many apples John has remaining.

3. Devise a plan: Since John starts with 3 apples and gives away 2, we can subtract 2 from 3 to find the answer.

4. Solve the problem: 3 - 2 = 1. John has 1 apple remaining.

5. Check your answer: Given that John started with 3 apples and gave away 2, it makes sense that he has 1 apple left. The solution is reasonable.

Remember, practice is key to improving problem-solving skills. With time and experience, you'll become more comfortable tackling real-world problems.