what strategies does the author use to formulate his argument in the article a nation apart

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To analyze the strategies used by an author in formulating an argument, we can follow a step-by-step process. While I don't have access to the specific article you mentioned, "A Nation Apart," I can provide you with a general approach to identifying strategies used by authors to formulate their arguments. By applying these steps, you'll be able to understand and evaluate the strategies employed in any given article.

1. Identify the main thesis: Start by identifying the main argument or thesis of the article. The thesis statement generally appears in the introduction or conclusion and outlines the main claim or position the author is advocating.

2. Analyze the structure: Examine the overall structure of the article to identify how the author builds their argument. Look for elements such as an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Within these sections, observe how the author introduces and develops their ideas.

3. Study the evidence: Determine what types of evidence the author uses to support their claims. This may include statistics, research studies, expert opinions, real-life examples, anecdotes, or historical references. Assess the credibility and relevance of the evidence provided.

4. Assess the rhetorical devices: Look for any rhetorical devices used by the author to persuade or engage the reader. These can include appeals to logic (logos), emotions (pathos), and credibility (ethos). The author may also use techniques such as analogies, metaphors, or rhetorical questions to strengthen their argument.

5. Evaluate counterarguments and refutations: Consider whether the author addresses and refutes potential counterarguments. A strong argument typically acknowledges opposing viewpoints and includes counterarguments to demonstrate the author's understanding of alternative perspectives.

6. Examine the language and tone: Pay attention to the author's choice of language and tone. Analyze whether the language is objective, biased, or persuasive. Evaluate how the tone contributes to the overall argument and audience engagement.

7. Consider the target audience: Determine the intended audience for the article. The author may employ strategies specific to the target audience's demographics, interests, or beliefs. Consider whether the author adopts an informative, argumentative, or persuasive tone to best appeal to the intended readership.

By following these steps, you should be able to effectively identify and evaluate the strategies employed by the author in formulating their argument in "A Nation Apart," as well as in other articles or texts you encounter.