A(n)___________ is a set of claims intended to support or prove a conclusion

A possible term that fits the given description is "argument." An argument is a set of statements, known as premises, which are offered as reasons or evidence to support a conclusion.

To understand and identify arguments, one can follow these steps:

1. Look for indicator words: Words such as "because," "since," "therefore," "thus," "hence," or "consequently" often signal the presence of an argument.

2. Identify the conclusion: The conclusion is the claim that is being supported or proven. It is usually the main idea or point that the premises aim to establish.

3. Identify the premises: The premises are the supporting claims or evidence that are presented to back up the conclusion. They provide reasons to believe that the conclusion is true or valid.

By examining the logical structure and evaluating the strength of the premises, one can analyze the argument and determine whether it is sound, valid, weak, or fallacious.