Using the Substitution method solve


from the second equation:


put that in the first equation

solve for x

I am confused how you would get an order pair from that....can you help?

To solve the system of equations using the substitution method, follow these steps:

Step 1: Solve one of the equations for one variable in terms of the other variable.

Let's solve the second equation (-6x + y = 25) for y:
y = 6x + 25

Step 2: Substitute the expression obtained in Step 1 into the other equation.

Now, substitute the value of y from Step 1 into the first equation (7x + 5y = -23):
7x + 5(6x + 25) = -23

Step 3: Solve the resulting equation.

7x + 30x + 125 = -23
37x + 125 = -23
37x = -23 - 125
37x = -148
x = -148 / 37
x = -4

Step 4: Substitute the value of x obtained in Step 3 into one of the original equations.

Let's substitute x = -4 into the second equation (-6x + y = 25):
-6(-4) + y = 25
24 + y = 25
y = 25 - 24
y = 1

Step 5: Check the solution in both original equations.

Substituting x = -4 and y = 1 into the first equation (7x + 5y = -23):
7(-4) + 5(1) = -23
-28 + 5 = -23
-23 = -23 (True)

Substituting x = -4 and y = 1 into the second equation (-6x + y = 25):
-6(-4) + 1 = 25
24 + 1 = 25
25 = 25 (True)

Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = -4 and y = 1.