Write interval notion for the set

{x -1 G.T. X G.T. -9}

multiple choose
C) (-9,-1]
D) [-9,-1]

To write the interval notation for the set {x -1 > x > -9}, we can break it down as follows:

Since the inequality is strict, x - 1 > x > -9, we can see that -1 is greater than -9. Therefore, we can start with the smaller number, which is -9.

The first part of the interval notation will be determined by the interval for x greater than -9. Since the inequality is strict, we use the symbol "(" to indicate that -9 is not included in the interval. So, the interval for x > -9 is represented as (-9, ...

Now, let's consider the second part of the inequality, x > -1. Since the inequality is strict, we use the symbol "(" to indicate that -1 is not included in the interval. So, the interval for x > -1 is represented as ..., -1).

To combine the two intervals, we use the intersection symbol, which is denoted by a single intersection point in interval notation. Since the smaller interval ends at -1 and the larger interval starts at -9, we need to close the gap between them.

To close the gap, we use the interval notation "[" and "]" to include both -1 and -9 in the intervals. Therefore, the interval notation for the given set {x -1 > x > -9} is represented as D) [-9, -1].