a graphic artist is craeting a a logo for her company's website. in the graphicics program she is using , each pixel in an image file has coordinates (x,y), where the origin(0,0) is at the left top corner of the image, the x-axis points to the right and the y -axis points down,distance are measure in pixels.a) the artist draws a line fro pixel location (10,20) to the location (210,200). she wishes to draw a second line that starts at (10,20), is 250 pixel long, and is at an angle of 30 degrees measured clockwise from the first line. at which location should this line end?.worked out solution

I really need the answer for this question please.

To find out the endpoint of the second line, which starts at (10,20) and has a length of 250 pixels with a 30-degree angle clockwise from the first line, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the x and y components of the second line's endpoint relative to the starting point (10,20):

a) To find the x-component, you can use the formula: x_component = length * cos(angle).
Substituting the values, x_component = 250 * cos(30) ≈ 250 * 0.866 ≈ 216.5.

b) To find the y-component, you can use the formula: y_component = length * sin(angle).
Substituting the values, y_component = 250 * sin(30) ≈ 250 * 0.5 ≈ 125.

2. Add the x-component to the starting x-coordinate (10) to get the x-coordinate of the endpoint:
endpoint_x = 10 + x_component = 10 + 216.5 ≈ 226.5.

3. Add the y-component to the starting y-coordinate (20) to get the y-coordinate of the endpoint:
endpoint_y = 20 + y_component = 20 + 125 = 145.

Therefore, the second line should end at approximately (226.5, 145) in the image file.