identify the fallacy: The reason I don't accept evolution is that ever since Darwin, scientists have been trying to prove that we evolved from some apelike primate ancestor. Well, they still haven't succeeded. Case closed

Which of these fallacies do you think it is?

Ad hominem
Group Think
Guilt Trip
Hasty Generalization
Poisoning the well
Post hoc
Red Herring
Scare Tactics
Wishful Thinking

Group Think


The fallacy in the given statement is called "appeal to ignorance." This fallacy occurs when someone argues that a claim is true simply because it hasn't been proven false or vice versa. In this case, the person is stating that they don't accept evolution because scientists have not been able to prove it definitively. However, absence of evidence does not necessarily indicate evidence of absence. Just because something has not been proven yet does not mean it is false. To properly evaluate the claim, it is essential to examine the available evidence and scientific consensus, rather than solely relying on the lack of absolute proof.