c) An equilateral triangle of side 3 cm each is given, How many triangles

can be made from this equilateral triangle of 1cm?

Your question contradicts itself unless the second sentence is reworded to something like:

"How many equilateral triangles of side 1cm can be made from the larger equilateral triangle?"

If that is your question, the answer is nine.

To find out how many triangles can be made from the equilateral triangle of side 3 cm, we need to understand the concept of similar triangles.

In an equilateral triangle, all three sides are equal in length, and all three angles are equal to 60 degrees. When we create smaller triangles within the equilateral triangle, the relationship between their side lengths and angles remains the same.

To create a triangle of 1 cm side length, we can take any one side of the original equilateral triangle and divide it by 3. The resulting triangle will have sides of length 1 cm and angles of 60 degrees.

Since there are three sides in the original equilateral triangle, we can create three smaller triangles by taking each side and dividing it by 3. Each of these smaller triangles will have sides of length 1 cm.

Therefore, from the equilateral triangle of side 3 cm, we can make three triangles of 1 cm each.