What Kind Of Diction Is Used In "A Voice" By Pat Mora?

Diction = choice of words

highly descriptive, very specific to create detailed images in the reader's mind (also known as sensory details -- addressing all five senses)

To determine the kind of diction used in a particular poem, it is helpful to analyze the word choice, language, and overall tone. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I do not have direct access to specific poems or copyrighted material. However, I can provide you with some general guidance on analyzing the diction in a poem, which you can then apply to "A Voice" by Pat Mora or any other poem.

Here are a few steps you can follow to analyze the diction of a poem:

1. Read the poem carefully: Start by reading the poem multiple times to gain a general understanding of its theme, message, and tone. Pay attention to the words used and how they contribute to the overall meaning.

2. Identify specific word choices: Look for words that stand out or have a significant impact on the poem's tone or meaning. Consider whether the words are formal or informal, concrete or abstract, simple or complex. This will help you determine the level of formality and complexity in the diction.

3. Determine the tone: Consider the emotional atmosphere created by the diction. Look for words that convey a particular mood, such as joy, sadness, anger, or nostalgia. The tone can also reveal the poet's attitude towards the subject matter or the audience.

4. Consider the context: Analyze the historical, cultural, or social context in which the poem was written. This will help you understand if the diction reflects a specific time period, region, or cultural identity.

5. Compare and contrast: Compare the diction used in different parts of the poem. Look for variations in tone, formality, or word choices. Note any patterns or shifts that occur and analyze their significance.

By following these steps and applying them to "A Voice" by Pat Mora, you can gain a better understanding of the poem's diction and its effect on the overall meaning and tone.