What is the domain when f(0)=0 and f(-2)=4? {x|__}.

the domain is the x values 0 and -2

So would the inequality be {x|greater than or equal to 2}

There is no inequality. Reread Professor Damons response.

To find the domain of a function, we need to determine the set of all possible input values (x) for which the function is defined.

Given that f(0) = 0 and f(-2) = 4, we can conclude that the function is defined for x = 0 and x = -2. However, this information alone is not sufficient to determine the complete domain of the function.

To find the domain, we need additional information, such as the specific form or equation of the function. If you provide the equation or any additional constraints given, I can assist you further in determining the domain of the function.