Despite high-tech special effects of today's violent horror movies it does not create the emotional impact it did on the classic horrors films of the early 1900s.

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Despite high-tech special effects of today's violent horror movies THEY DO not create the emotional impact OF THE EARLY 1900s classic HORROR films.

The emotional impact of horror films can be influenced by various factors, including storytelling, pacing, cinematography, and performances. While it is true that modern horror movies benefit from advanced special effects, it does not necessarily guarantee a stronger emotional impact compared to classic horror films from the early 1900s. The emotional impact of a horror movie largely depends on the viewer's personal preferences and susceptibility to fear.

To understand why some classic horror films from the early 1900s continue to evoke a strong emotional response, we can consider a few factors:

1. Atmosphere and tension: Classic horror films often relied on building a haunting atmosphere and tension, using techniques like suggestive imagery, shadow play, and eerie sound effects. These techniques allowed the filmmakers to play with the viewer's imagination, creating an unsettling experience that can stick with the audience long after watching.

2. Psychological horror: Early horror films, such as German Expressionist movies like "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (1920), often delved into psychological horror. By exploring themes of madness, paranoia, or inner turmoil, these films tapped into deeper fears and anxieties of the viewers, leaving a lasting impact on their psyche.

3. Practical effects and limitations: Due to technical limitations during the early 1900s, filmmakers relied heavily on practical effects, such as makeup, miniature models, and creative camera tricks. These limitations forced directors to be more resourceful, relying on practicality and artistic skill to create horrifying scenes. The ingenuity and craftsmanship involved in practical effects can be lauded as an art form itself and appreciated by the audience.

However, it is important to note that horror movies have evolved over time to match the sensibilities of modern audiences. Today's horror films often focus on shock value, gore, and jump scares, aiming to elicit immediate reactions from viewers. While these films may rely heavily on high-tech special effects, they may not always create a lasting emotional impact. Additionally, the emotional impact of a horror film can vary greatly from person to person, as individual fears and sensibilities can greatly influence the experience.

Ultimately, whether a horror film leaves a lasting emotional impact or not is a subjective matter. It depends on the storytelling, execution, and individual viewer's preferences. Exploring horror films from different eras can provide insights into the evolution of the genre and the various techniques filmmakers have used to evoke fear and emotional responses.