consider two plants with genotypes Rrtt and rrTt where red color is(R) is domiant over white(r) and being tall(T) is dominat over being short(t). complete the following punnett squares to determine the possible gametes each parent can produce

No Punnett squares shown.

However, the first can pass down either Rt or rt, while the second can pass down either rT or rt. This leaves you with four possible genotypes for the offspring.

I hope this helps.

Rrt Rrt

rt rt 50%genaltype

To determine the possible gametes each parent can produce, we need to consider the principle of independent assortment. This principle states that during meiosis, alleles for different traits segregate independently of each other.

Let's first consider plant 1 with genotype Rrtt. The possible gametes can be obtained by separating the alleles for each trait. In this case, the R and r alleles determine the color, while the t alleles determine the plant height.

For the color trait, the plant can produce gametes with either R or r allele:
- Gamete 1: R
- Gamete 2: r

For the plant height trait, the plant can produce gametes with either T or t allele:
- Gamete 1: t
- Gamete 2: t

Combining the color and plant height gametes, the possible gametes for plant 1 are: RrTt and rtTt.

Now let's consider plant 2 with the genotype rrTt. Similarly, we need to separate the alleles for each trait.

For the color trait, the plant can only produce the r allele:
- Gamete 1: r

For the plant height trait, the plant can produce gametes with either T or t allele:
- Gamete 1: T
- Gamete 2: t

Combining the color and plant height gametes, the possible gametes for plant 2 are: rT and rt.

So, the completed Punnett squares for the possible gametes are as follows:

| | R | r |
t | RrTt | rtTt |
t | RrTt | rtTt |
t | rT | rt |