Janessa bought 4 stamps for $1.84. At this,rate how much would 10 stamps cost?

1.84/4 = ?

Multiply that answer by 10.

If 4 stamps cost $1.84, the you will divide $1.84 by 4 to get the price of 1stamp:

So, $1.84/4 = $0.46
If 1 stamp costs $0.46, then multiply it by ten to get the price of 10stamps:
$0.46 x 10 = $4.6

Now try this and see if you understand the question:
Janessa bought 12 oranges for $14.4. At this rate, how much would 25oranges cost?

To find out how much 10 stamps would cost, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

The cost of 4 stamps is $1.84, so we can write the proportion as follows:

4 stamps / $1.84 = 10 stamps / x

To solve for x (the cost of 10 stamps), we need to cross-multiply and then divide:

4 * x = $1.84 * 10

Now, multiply the numbers on each side of the equation:

4x = $18.4

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate x:

x = $18.4 / 4

x = $4.60

Therefore, 10 stamps would cost $4.60.