It takes Tammy 45 minutes to ride her bike 5 miles. At this rate, how long will it take her to ride 8 miles?


45/5 = 9 minutes per mile

8 * 9 = ?

To find out how long it will take Tammy to ride 8 miles at the same rate as she rides 5 miles, we can use a proportion:

45 minutes ------ 5 miles
X minutes ------ 8 miles

To set up the proportion, we can cross multiply:

5 * X = 45 * 8

Now, let's solve for X:

5X = 360

Divide both sides of the equation by 5:

X = 72

Therefore, it will take Tammy approximately 72 minutes to ride 8 miles at the same rate as she rides 5 miles.

To find out how long it will take Tammy to ride 8 miles at the same rate, we need to set up a proportion.

A proportion is an equation stating that two ratios are equal. In this case, we need to compare the time it takes Tammy to ride a certain distance to the distance itself.

Let's set up the proportion using the information given:

45 minutes is to 5 miles as "x" minutes is to 8 miles.

We can write this equation as:

45/5 = x/8

To solve for x, we need to cross-multiply:

45*8 = 5*x


360 = 5x

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 5:

360/5 = x
72 = x

So, it will take Tammy 72 minutes to ride 8 miles at the same rate.