syringe filled with water and left by the sink in the sunshine. Ten minutes later sees little puddle of water under the syringe tip. What caused the little puddle of water to appear under the syringe tip? Use words particle and kinetic energy in explanation

I'll tell you what happened. You put it in your own words and in the format required.

Sun shining on the syringe heated the water in the syringe, the water expanded, the volume increased, and the "excess" volume was pushed out the bottom of the needle and that's what you saw resting as a little puddle of water.

The little puddle of water under the syringe tip was caused by the process of evaporation. When the syringe filled with water was left by the sink in the sunshine, solar energy in the form of sunlight transferred kinetic energy to the water molecules inside the syringe. This increase in kinetic energy leads to an increase in the average speed of the water molecules, causing them to move faster and collide more frequently with each other and the walls of the syringe.

As the water molecules gain kinetic energy, some of them become more energetic than others and are able to break free from the liquid's surface. These molecules are known as "free" or "escaping" particles. Once in the air, they continue to move at higher speeds, becoming gas particles.

This process, known as evaporation, occurs more rapidly when the water is exposed to heat or sunlight, as in this case. As the more energetic water molecules continuously escape into the air, leaving behind relatively slower particles, the overall amount of water in the syringe decreases. Eventually, enough water molecules escape to form a little puddle under the syringe tip.

In summary, the increase in kinetic energy provided by the sunlight causes the water molecules in the syringe to evaporate, with the more energetic particles escaping into the air. This evaporation process leads to the appearance of a puddle of water under the syringe tip.