Could you check these thanks.

We are working on les actions réciproques.

1. Pierre parle à Marie. Marie parle à Pierre.
Answer: Ils se parlent.

2. Pierre aime Marie. Marie aime Pierre.
Answer: Ils se aiment.

3. Je t'aime. Tu m'aimes.
Answer: Nous nous aimons.

4. Je te vois. Tu me vois.
Answer: Nous nous voyons.

5. Camille regarde Guillaume. Guillaume regarde Camille.
Answer: Ils se regardent.

6. J'écris à Daniel. Daniel m'écrit.
Answer: Ils se écritent.

7. Claire ne dit rien à Lucie. Lucie ne dit rien à Claire.
Answer: Ils se ne dient rien.

8. Tu téléphones à Pierre. Pierre te téléphone.
Answer: Vous vous téléphonez.

#2. Just remember that the "e" may be omitted before another vowel. Ils s'aiment.

#6. Same error. Ils s'écrivent. (plus 3rd person plural of écrire)
j'écris, tu écris, il/elle/on écrit / nous écrivons, vous écrivez & ils/elles écrivent. (Note the "v" in the plural)

#7. verb dire: je dis, tu dis, il/elle/on dit / nous disons, vous dites, ils/elles disent (irregular) Ils ne se disent rien. (word order will be subject pronoun (ils) + first part of negative expression (ne) + object pronoun/reflexive here (se) + verb (disent) + 2nd half of negative expression (rien)

Otherwise "très bien!"

Sra (aka Mme)

I may b e wrong, but shouldn't #6 have been : nous nous écrivons

Great! Let's check the answers together:

1. Pierre parle à Marie. Marie parle à Pierre.
Answer: Ils se parlent.

To check this answer, we're looking for the reciprocal form of "parler" which means "to talk". To form the reciprocal, we add "se" before the verb. So, "parler" becomes "se parler". Now, we can see that both Pierre and Marie are talking to each other, so the correct answer is "Ils se parlent."

2. Pierre aime Marie. Marie aime Pierre.
Answer: Ils s'aiment.

To check this answer, we're looking for the reciprocal form of "aimer" which means "to love." Again, we add "se" before the verb. So, "aimer" becomes "s'aimer." Now, we can see that both Pierre and Marie love each other, so the correct answer is "Ils s'aiment."

3. Je t'aime. Tu m'aimes.
Answer: Nous nous aimons.

To check this answer, we're looking for the reciprocal form of "aimer" again. The pronouns used here are "je" (I) and "tu" (you). To form the reciprocal, we use "nous nous" before the verb. So, "aimer" becomes "nous nous aimons." Now, we can see that both "je" and "tu" love each other, so the correct answer is "Nous nous aimons."

4. Je te vois. Tu me vois.
Answer: Nous nous voyons.

To check this answer, we're looking for the reciprocal form of "voir" which means "to see." Again, we use "nous nous" before the verb to form the reciprocal. So, "voir" becomes "nous nous voyons." Now, we can see that both "je" and "tu" see each other, so the correct answer is "Nous nous voyons."

5. Camille regarde Guillaume. Guillaume regarde Camille.
Answer: Ils se regardent.

To check this answer, we're looking for the reciprocal form of "regarder" which means "to look." We can see that both Camille and Guillaume are looking at each other, so the correct answer is "Ils se regardent."

6. J'écris à Daniel. Daniel m'écrit.
Answer: Ils s'écrivent.

To check this answer, we're looking for the reciprocal form of "écrire" which means "to write." Again, we use "s'écire" to indicate that both parties are writing to each other. Now, we can see that both "je" and "Daniel" are writing to each other, so the correct answer is "Ils s'écrivent."

7. Claire ne dit rien à Lucie. Lucie ne dit rien à Claire.
Answer: Ils ne se disent rien.

To check this answer, we're looking for the reciprocal form of "dire" which means "to say." We start by adding "se" before the verb to indicate the reciprocal form. So, "dire" becomes "se dire." Now, we can see that both Claire and Lucie are not saying anything to each other, so the correct answer is "Ils ne se disent rien."

8. Tu téléphones à Pierre. Pierre te téléphone.
Answer: Vous vous téléphonez.

To check this answer, we're looking for the reciprocal form of "téléphoner" which means "to call." We use "vous vous" to indicate that both parties are calling each other. Now, we can see that both "tu" and "Pierre" are calling each other, so the correct answer is "Vous vous téléphonez."

Well done! All the answers are correct. Keep practicing and you'll become even better at understanding reciprocal actions in French!