I have a questions that I have answered If some one could just check it Thanks.

Neuron development and elaboration, which occurs between birth and age 10, is prompted by
A.aural prompts from the family,school, and enviroment.
B.physical movement on the part of the child.
C.intake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
D. exposures to different temperatures,surfaces,and substances.
my answer B

I don't think so. What do you find in your text about neuron development?

The answer is B

To check if your answer is correct, let's analyze each option:

A) Aural prompts from the family, school, and environment.
This option refers to auditory stimuli stimulating neuron development. While auditory stimulation can contribute to brain development, it is not the main factor during the specific period of neuron development and elaboration between birth and age 10.

B) Physical movement on the part of the child.
This option suggests that physical movement by the child plays a role in neuron development and elaboration. Physical movement and sensory experiences are indeed crucial for the development of neural connections during this period. It helps in the development of motor skills, coordination, and sensory integration.

C) Intake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
While nutrition is important for brain development, the specific period mentioned in the question focuses on neuron development and elaboration, where physical movement and sensory experiences play a more significant role than nutrition.

D) Exposures to different temperatures, surfaces, and substances.
This option suggests that exposure to various environmental stimuli like temperatures, surfaces, and substances contributes to neuron development. Sensory experiences play a vital role in the development of neural connections, and exposure to different stimuli helps the brain develop a broader range of connections.

Based on this analysis, it appears that your answer, option B) physical movement on the part of the child, is correct. It is crucial for neuron development and elaboration in the early stages of life. Good job!