3x(cubed)times y, -2xy(cubed), -5x, how many terms do you see and what is the product of their coefficients?

Three posts, three names. You do not need to change names for each post.

sorry new here i just found the site, these are those are the questions I had about the math test I took yesterday. i wont know the answers until monday but im curious so I wrote the problems I am uncertain about.

To determine the number of terms and the product of their coefficients, let's break down the given expression:

3x^3 * y - 2xy^3 - 5x

First, let's identify the terms in the expression. Terms are separated by addition or subtraction signs. So, we have three terms in this expression:

Term 1: 3x^3 * y
Term 2: -2xy^3
Term 3: -5x

Next, let's calculate the product of the coefficients. The coefficient is the numerical factor in front of each term.

In Term 1: 3x^3 * y, the coefficient is 3.

In Term 2: -2xy^3, the coefficient is -2.

In Term 3: -5x, the coefficient is -5.

To find the product of the coefficients, multiply the coefficients together:

Product of coefficients = 3 * -2 * -5 = 30

Therefore, there are three terms in the expression and the product of their coefficients is 30.