Is there a website that you can type in a sentence and it will give you the parts of speech of that sentance?

Most dictionaies, including online ones, will tell you the part of speech of each word. The problem is that many words can be used as different parts of speech, depending upon how they are used in a sentence.

This brief tutorial may help straighten things out:

Sleeping is my favorite hobby

help verb?
being verb?
or a gerunds?

Yes, there are several websites and tools available that can analyze a given sentence and give you the parts of speech. One popular website is "Parts of Speech Tagging" by University of Illinois at Chicago. To use this tool, follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and go to the website "".
2. Once you're on the website, you will see a text box labeled "Enter a Sentence". Click on it, and type or paste the sentence you want to analyze.
3. After entering your sentence, click on the "Tag!" button below the text box.
4. The tool will then process your sentence and provide you with the parts of speech analysis. You will see the sentence you entered highlighted with color-coded tags indicating the different parts of speech (e.g., noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.).

Remember that no tool is perfect, and the accuracy of these websites or tools may not be 100%. It's always a good idea to double-check the results or consult other reference materials if you have any doubts.