Show that beta = 3 alpha

Why a gas has two heat capacities?

constant pressure, and constant volume?

See the article in this, entitled specific heat capacity

thanks :)

show that gamma =3 alpha

To show that beta is equal to 3 times alpha, we need more information about the variables beta and alpha and the context in which they are used. Without this information, it is not possible to proceed with the mathematical proof or demonstration.

Regarding the heat capacities of a gas, a gas can have two heat capacities due to the different ways in which heat energy is transferred to the gas. The two heat capacities are known as the specific heat at constant volume (Cv) and the specific heat at constant pressure (Cp).

1. Specific Heat at Constant Volume (Cv):
This is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a given amount of gas by 1 degree Celsius while keeping the volume constant. Cv primarily describes how internal energy changes with temperature when the volume remains constant.

Mathematically, Cv is defined as the partial derivative of internal energy (U) with respect to temperature (T) at constant volume (V):

Cv = (∂U/∂T)V

2. Specific Heat at Constant Pressure (Cp):
This is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a given amount of gas by 1 degree Celsius while maintaining constant pressure. Cp primarily describes how enthalpy changes with temperature when the pressure remains constant.

Mathematically, Cp is defined as the partial derivative of enthalpy (H) with respect to temperature (T) at constant pressure (P):

Cp = (∂H/∂T)P

The reason a gas has two separate heat capacities is because, in different scenarios, the heat transfer occurs under different conditions, either at constant volume (Cv) or at constant pressure (Cp). The distinction between these two heat capacities is important when analyzing the thermodynamic behavior of gases, especially when considering heat transfer processes such as heating or cooling of a gas.