Help needed coming up with a specific thesis. Here is the prompt:

Explore the role of women in Archaic Greek society as presented in the literature examined in class (The Iliad, Sappho's poems, Archilochus, and a book about Ancient Greece by Thomas Martin). **You might consider how women were viewed relative to men, how the interested with men, how women related to politics, how they related to each other socially, what behavior was expected of them, views of motherhood, views of wives and daughters, whether men and women viewed marriage similarly. Explore one topic and develop a specific argument that you prove with analysis.

The paper needs to be five pages. I'm trying to figure out which topic is going to give me the strongest thesis, and something truly arguable.

Please help if you have any ideas to throw out.

It's very hard to generalize about this topic because each polis had slightly different cultures and attitudes. Greece was not a unified country with a uniform culture in 5th century BC.

My suggestion is that you concentrate on one of the city-states -- most likely Athens. So ... go to and and conduct the following searches. Then read widely until you make a decision.

women in ancient athens

influence of women in ancient athens

Re-post when you're ready.

For example --

(Broken Link Removed)


Thank you! I'm going to stop by my uni's writing center tonight, and then I'll probably repost. :)

I'll keep checking!

Certainly! Coming up with a strong thesis requires careful consideration of the available evidence and finding a topic that allows for in-depth analysis and argumentation. Here are a few potential topics for your paper on the role of women in Archaic Greek society:

1. The portrayal of women in ancient Greek literature: You could examine how the literature you've studied presents women and explore the ways in which they were viewed relative to men. Analyze specific passages or instances where women interact with men and discuss how these interactions reflect broader social attitudes towards gender roles.

2. The social dynamics among women in ancient Greek society: Consider how women related to each other socially, and whether they formed strong communal bonds or if there were sources of conflict and competition. You could analyze the interactions between women in the literature and explore the factors that influenced these relationships.

3. The influence of women in politics: Investigate the role of women in political life during the Archaic period and how their voice and agency were either recognized or limited. Analyze specific examples from the literature, such as instances where women are depicted as having influence in decision-making processes.

4. Expectations and ideals of motherhood in ancient Greek society: Examine how motherhood was valued and perceived in Archaic Greek society, as portrayed in the literature. Explore the responsibilities, ideals, and expectations associated with motherhood, and discuss any tensions or contradictions that arise in the text.

5. The diversity of views on marriage: Examine how men and women in ancient Greek society viewed marriage differently. Analyze passages that depict marital relationships or discuss the social expectations placed on husbands and wives. Explore whether there were differing perspectives on the purpose and dynamics of marriage.

Once you have chosen your topic, develop a specific argument that focuses on a particular aspect or theme within that topic. For example, you can argue that women in ancient Greek society were portrayed as subordinate to men in literature, or that there were conflicting views on motherhood that highlighted the complexities of women's roles.

Remember to support your thesis with evidence from the literature you've studied, providing close textual analysis and considering the historical and cultural context. Good luck with your paper!