I'm doing a speech on teen suicide and I need your opinion. I start with an introduction, statistics, and why I chose the topic. But for these three things is the order correct or should switch them. If you were listening what would you like to hear first.

What are the warning signs
How can suicide be prevented
Where can we find help for those with sucidial thoughts

Your order is logical.

If I were listening, I'd first want to know why teen suicide should concern me. I assume you'll cover that in your introduction.

I did in my introduction

When structuring your speech on teen suicide, the order of the three topics you mentioned can depend on your specific goals and the flow you want to create. However, in terms of capturing your audience's attention and building a foundation for your speech, you might want to consider the following order:

1. Introduction: Start with a captivating and attention-grabbing opening to introduce the topic of teen suicide. Provide some background information to set the context and make it relatable to your audience.

2. Statistics: After the introduction, present relevant statistics on teen suicide. This will help to establish the magnitude of the issue and emphasize the urgency and importance of addressing it.

3. Why you chose the topic: Following the statistics, explain why you personally chose to speak about teen suicide. Share any personal experiences, connections, or motivations you have that led you to this topic. This will create a stronger connection with your audience and show them your genuine interest in the issue.

Now, if you plan to provide information on warning signs, prevention, and available help later in your speech, you may want to consider the following order for those topics:

1. What are the warning signs: After your introduction, statistics, and explanation of why you chose the topic, discuss the warning signs associated with teen suicide. Explain the behaviors, emotions, and changes in social interactions that may indicate someone is at risk. This will help your audience to better understand and recognize these signs in others or even themselves.

2. How can suicide be prevented: Next, talk about the various strategies and measures that can be taken to prevent suicide among teenagers. Discuss the importance of building a supportive environment, promoting mental health awareness, addressing bullying, fostering open communication, and seeking professional help.

3. Where to find help for those with suicidal thoughts: Finally, provide information on the resources available for individuals struggling with suicidal thoughts. This can include helplines, counseling services, support groups, and community organizations. Emphasize the importance of reaching out for help and ensuring that everyone has access to the support they need.

By following this suggested order, you will gradually build up your speech, starting with a strong and engaging introduction, providing impactful statistics, sharing your personal connection to the topic, and then addressing the warning signs, prevention strategies, and available help for those in need.