why do geographers disagree about the location of russia?

I didn't know that geographers disagree about Russia's location.

The only problem might be that Russia spans two continents, Asia and Europe. Some geographers count them as only one continent -- Eurasia.

There are some unsettled land disputes with the former Soviet republic of Georgia (Abkhazia and South Ossetia) and in the Kuril Islands, very near Japan. Other than that, geographers agree where Russia is.

Geographers generally do not disagree about the location of Russia as it is a well-defined country in northeastern Europe and northern Asia. However, there might be some variation in how geographers perceive the boundaries and the extent of Russia due to different factors:

1. Definition of Boundaries: Some geographers may have differing opinions on where exactly the borders of Russia lie. Boundaries can be based on political, cultural, historical, or physical factors, and interpretations can vary.

2. Disputed Territories: There are certain territories that have been areas of geopolitical conflict or claims by neighboring countries. For instance, the status of Crimea and parts of the Caucasus region has been a point of contention between Russia and Ukraine.

3. Scale and Perspective: Geographers may interpret the extent of Russia differently based on the scale they are focusing on. For example, at a global scale, Russia is clearly defined, whereas at a regional scale, it might be seen as including certain neighboring territories or be considered a part of a broader region like Eurasia.

4. Geopolitical Influence: Geographers may also take into account political and historical factors that influence perceptions of Russia's location. Historical and geopolitical events can shape the understanding of a country's spatial boundaries.

It's important to note that the disagreements, if any, about the location of Russia among geographers are usually related to these factors and do not significantly alter the general perception of its overall location.