how does Siddharthas dad change Siddhartha?

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To understand how Siddhartha's dad changes him, we need to explore the story of Siddhartha, particularly focusing on the relationship he has with his father.

In the novel "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha's father plays a significant role in shaping his son's perspective on life. Siddhartha's father is a Brahmin, a member of the highest social class in Hinduism, and desires his son to follow in his footsteps as a religious leader. However, Siddhartha rebels against his father's expectations and embarks on a journey of self-discovery instead.

Here's how Siddhartha's dad influences his transformation:

1. Influence of Tradition: Siddhartha's dad represents the traditions and social norms of their society. He expects his son to conform to these values, including pursuing knowledge and becoming a respected Brahmin. However, Siddhartha questions these traditional beliefs and decides to find his own path.

2. Pursuit of Personal Freedom: Siddhartha's father's influence leads him to feel trapped within social expectations. He yearns for personal freedom and a deeper understanding of the world beyond the confines of their community. This desire for freedom becomes a driving force in Siddhartha's journey towards enlightenment.

3. Strained Relationship: Siddhartha's rebellious nature strains his relationship with his father. He feels a profound sense of dissatisfaction and incompleteness within the boundaries set by his father. This tension motivates Siddhartha to detach himself from his father's influence and seek alternative spiritual paths.

4. Catalyst for Departure: Siddhartha's dad acts as a catalyst for his departure from the familiar. Realizing that his father cannot provide him with the answers he seeks, Siddhartha decides to leave home and renounce his privileged life. This becomes a pivotal moment in his pursuit of spiritual awakening.

Ultimately, Siddhartha's father plays a crucial role in challenging Siddhartha's worldview and stirring his inner restlessness. By defying his father's expectations and embarking on a journey of self-discovery, Siddhartha begins a transformative process that leads him towards enlightenment and understanding.