Hi I was wondering if someone could help me with this.


I thought that x= 3
however my dad thought x-1

Thanks for the help!

your dad is right. x = -1


-8 -8

-4/4 = -1

Thanks for all of the help everyone!!!


4x + 8 - 8 = 4 - 8
4x = -4
x = -1

Let's prove it.

(4 * -1) + 8 = 4
-4 + 8 = 4

Your dad wins! :-)

I can definitely help you with that! Let's solve the equation step by step to find the correct value of x.

To solve the equation 4x + 8 = 4, we need to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation.

Step 1: Subtract 8 from both sides of the equation:
4x + 8 - 8 = 4 - 8
This simplifies to 4x = -4.

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for x:
4x/4 = -4/4
This simplifies to x = -1.

So, the correct value of x for the equation 4x + 8 = 4 is x = -1. Your dad was right!

To verify the solution, you can substitute x = -1 back into the original equation:
4(-1) + 8 = 4
-4 + 8 = 4
4 = 4

As you can see, the equation is satisfied when x = -1.