a few months ago, Van had 100 days to wait until his birthday. His wait is 98% over. Today is Monday. What day is Van's birthday?

(98/100)*100days = no. of days past = 98 days.Means after two days 100 days will be over.Therefore,Van has his B'day on Wednesday


To determine the day of Van's birthday, we need to calculate the number of days that have passed since the start of his waiting period.

Given that Van had 100 days to wait, and his wait is now 98% over, we can calculate the number of days that have passed by multiplying 100 by 0.98:

100 * 0.98 = 98 days

Since today is Monday, we can count 98 days backward to find the day of Van's birthday. We start with Monday and count backward:

Monday (1) - Sunday (2) - Saturday (3) - Friday (4) - Thursday (5) - Wednesday (6) - Tuesday (7) - Monday (8) - Sunday (9) - Saturday (10) - ...

We can see that the sequence repeats every 7 days. Since 98 is divisible by 7, we know that the day of Van's birthday is the 6th day in the sequence, which is Wednesday.

Therefore, Van's birthday will fall on a Wednesday.