If a diamond shape = 2/3 how do you draw 1/3, 1, 4/3, 2


if 2/3 is one diamond

then 1/3 is (1/2) a diamond
then 1 = 3/3 is 1.5 diamonds
then 4/3 is two diamonds
2 is three diamonds

To draw the different fractions of a diamond shape, you can follow these steps:

- Start with a diamond shape.
- Divide one of the long sides of the diamond into three equal parts.
- Connect the middle point of the first division to the top point of the diamond.
- Connect the middle point of the second division to the bottom point of the diamond.

- Start with a diamond shape.
- Draw a vertical line through the diamond, from top to bottom.

- Start with a diamond shape.
- Divide one of the long sides of the diamond into three equal parts.
- Connect the middle point of the first division to the top point of the diamond.
- Connect the middle point of the second division to the bottom point of the diamond.
- Extend the bottom side of the diamond, starting from the bottom point, by adding one-third of the length of the diamond.

- Start with a diamond shape.
- Draw a vertical line through the diamond, from top to bottom.
- Draw another vertical line through the diamond, parallel to the first one, at half the distance from the left side of the diamond.

Remember to adjust the proportions and measurements based on the specific size and proportions of your diamond shape.

To draw fractions of a diamond shape, you can follow these steps:

1/3 of a diamond shape:
1. Start by drawing a diamond shape as a reference.
2. Divide one of the diagonals of the diamond into three equal parts.
3. Sketch a line connecting the points that divide the diagonal until it intersects each side of the diamond.
4. Erase any unnecessary lines.

Here is a simple explanation:
- Start by drawing a diamond shape.
- Divide one of the diagonals into three equal parts. You can use a ruler or estimate the divisions.
- Then, connect the points that divide the diagonal with lines, extending until they intersect each side of the diamond shape.
- Finally, erase any unnecessary construction lines.

1 full diamond shape:
To draw 1 full diamond shape, simply draw a diamond without any additional subdivisions or divisions.

4/3 of a diamond shape:
To draw 4/3 of a diamond shape, you can follow these steps:
1. Start by drawing a diamond shape as a reference.
2. Divide the diagonal into three equal parts.
3. Sketch a line connecting the points that divide the diagonal until it intersects each side of the diamond.
4. Repeat this process three more times, starting from the original diamond shape and dividing each newly formed diamond into three equal parts.

2 diamond shapes:
To draw 2 diamond shapes, you can draw two separate diamond shapes side by side or draw one diamond shape and then repeat the process to create another identical diamond shape adjacent to the first one.