what is area

The space a two dimensional figure takes up.

Square = Length squared (power of 2)
Rectangle = Length X Width
Parallelogram = Base X Height
Triangle = 1/2 X Base X Height
Base X Height divided by 2
Trapezoid = 1/2 X H X (Base1 + Base2)
Circle = Pi (3.14 or 22/7) X Radius squared (power of 2)

Hope that helps

Area is the measure of the amount of two-dimensional space occupied by a shape or region. It is typically measured in square units such as square centimeters or square meters. To calculate the area of a shape, you need to know the dimensions or properties of that shape. The formula for finding the area varies depending on the shape.

Here are the formulas for finding the area of some common shapes:

1. Rectangle: Area = length × width
To find the area of a rectangle, multiply its length by its width.

2. Square: Area = side length × side length
For a square, multiply the length of one side by itself to get the area.

3. Triangle: Area = 0.5 × base × height
To find the area of a triangle, multiply half the length of the base by the height.

4. Circle: Area = π × (radius)²
For a circle, multiply π (pi, approximately 3.14159) by the square of the radius.

5. Trapezoid: Area = 0.5 × (sum of parallel sides) × height
To calculate the area of a trapezoid, multiply half the sum of the lengths of the parallel sides by the height.

These are just a few examples, but there are formulas for finding the area of other shapes too.