one type of probablity used practically daily is?

One type of probability used practically daily is the concept of "conditional probability." Conditional probability refers to the probability of an event happening given that another event has already occurred.

To understand and apply conditional probability in daily life, one can follow these steps:

Step 1: Define the problem. Determine the two events you are interested in and the condition that connects them. For example, let's say you want to find the probability of it raining today, given that the weather forecast predicted a 30% chance of rain.

Step 2: Gather data. In this case, you will need information about the weather forecast, specifically the probability of rain.

Step 3: Apply the formula. The formula for conditional probability is P(A|B) = P(A and B) / P(B), where P(A|B) represents the probability of event A occurring given that event B has already occurred.

In our example, let's denote A as the event "it is raining today" and B as the event "the weather forecast predicted a 30% chance of rain." In this case, P(A and B) is the joint probability of both events occurring, which would be given by the weather forecast. P(B) is the probability of the weather forecast predicting a 30% chance of rain.

Step 4: Calculate. Using the data from step 2 and applying the formula from step 3, you can calculate the conditional probability. In this example, you would divide the probability of it raining today and the weather forecast predicting a 30% chance of rain by the probability of the weather forecast predicting a 30% chance of rain.

Step 5: Interpret the results. The result of your calculation would represent the chances of it actually raining today given the condition of the weather forecast.

Conditional probability is just one practical application of probability that can be used daily to make informed decisions, assess risks, and better understand the likelihood of events occurring in various scenarios.