I'm writing a summary of a book, but I'm having trouble writing the topic sentence and concluding sentences.

Are there any examples of topic sentences/concluding sentences for book summaries?

Topic sentences: http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/sensen/part3/sixteen/techniques_topic.html

Conclusion sentences: http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/sensen/part3/sixteen/techniques_conclusions.html

Certainly! Writing a book summary can be challenging, but crafting effective topic and concluding sentences can greatly enhance the clarity and coherence of your summary. Here are some examples to help you get started:

Topic Sentences:
1. "In [book title], author [author's name] explores the themes of love, loss, and redemption through the protagonist's journey of self-discovery."
Explanation: Start by introducing the book's title and author, and briefly mention the main themes or ideas that the book explores.

2. "Set in a dystopian future, [book title] paints a haunting portrait of society's oppressive control, compelling readers to question the balance between freedom and security."
Explanation: Begin with a description of the book's setting and genre, and highlight the thought-provoking questions it raises.

Concluding Sentences:
1. "Through its vivid imagery, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking narrative, [book title] is a captivating read that illuminates the human condition, leaving readers pondering long after the final pages."
Explanation: Summarize the writer's successful elements in capturing readers' attention, such as vivid imagery, strong character development, and thought-provoking themes, and mention the lasting impact it has on readers.

2. "Ultimately, [book title] delivers a powerful message of hope and resilience, reminding readers of the strength that lies within the human spirit and the potential for positive change."
Explanation: Conclude by highlighting the book's central message, emphasizing the optimism it instills, and inspiring readers to reflect on their own capacity for growth and transformation.

Remember, these example sentences can be modified and tailored to suit the specific book you're summarizing. Make sure to capture the essence of the story and convey its significance to your readers.