expositary business communication in which way they different what part do facts play in the expository essay? what does openion play

An expository essay must be based on facts. What is "exposed" is the truth.


Expository business communication refers to a type of written or verbal communication that aims to inform, explain, or clarify a specific topic or subject related to business. It typically involves presenting facts, data, and evidence to convey information in a clear and concise manner.

When it comes to the difference between expository communication and other forms of business communication, such as persuasive or descriptive communication, the key distinction lies in the purpose and approach. Expository communication focuses primarily on providing factual information and explaining a topic, while persuasive communication aims to convince or influence the audience, and descriptive communication aims to paint a vivid picture or create a sensory experience.

In an expository essay, facts play a crucial role. Facts are objective pieces of information that are backed by evidence and can be proven or verified. They provide a strong foundation for the essay, as they add credibility and reliability to the information being presented. Facts help to support the main points and arguments, allowing readers to understand the topic better.

Opinions, on the other hand, may play a limited role in expository essays. While opinions can provide individual perspectives or personal experiences, they should be used sparingly and always supported by facts or evidence. Opinions alone are subjective and not necessarily grounded in facts, which could weaken the overall credibility of the essay. However, in certain cases, opinions from experts or authoritative sources can be included if they contribute to a well-rounded understanding of the topic.