1% of Miss Simms' salary is deducted for Hex fees. Last year her salary increased by 10%. As a result, her Hex fees increased by $65. What was her original annual salary?

To find Miss Simms' original annual salary, we can work backwards from the given information.

Let's assume Miss Simms' original annual salary was x dollars.

According to the problem, her salary increased by 10%, so her new salary is 1.10x dollars.

We are also given that 1% of her salary is deducted for Hex fees. Therefore, her Hex fees last year were (1/100) * 1.10x = 0.011x dollars.

We are told that her Hex fees increased by $65, so we can set up the following equation:

(0.011x + $65) - 0.011x = 0.011x + $65 - 0.011x

Simplifying the equation, we have:

$65 = 0.011x

To solve for x, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 0.011:

$65 / 0.011 = x

x ≈ $5909.09

Therefore, Miss Simms' original annual salary was approximately $5909.09.