1. How has the size and location of big cities changes since the year 1900? 2. Describe the major problems in today's large cities and the cause of these problems. 3. What can be done to help solve these problems? 4. You may never live in a big city, but we must all find ways to lower our environmental impact. What can the average citizen do with a minimum of cost and inconvienence to become more environmentally friendly?


1. To understand how the size and location of big cities have changed since 1900, you can start by looking for historical data and studies on urbanization trends over the years. You can search for government publications, academic research, or articles from reputable sources that track urban development. These sources often provide information on population growth, changes in city boundaries, and shifting demographic patterns. By analyzing this data and comparing it with historical maps or satellite imagery, you can gain insights into how cities have expanded and evolved over time.

2. Today's large cities face several major problems, including overcrowding, traffic congestion, pollution, inadequate infrastructure, housing affordability, and socio-economic inequalities. These problems are often caused by a combination of factors such as population growth, urbanization, economic disparities, lack of effective urban planning, and inadequate investment in infrastructure and public services.

3. Several solutions can help address the challenges faced by large cities. Some possible approaches include:

a. Urban planning and smart growth initiatives: By implementing effective urban planning strategies, cities can create compact, walkable communities, with mixed land-use zones that encourage public transportation and reduce reliance on private vehicles.

b. Investment in public transportation: Developing and expanding affordable and efficient public transportation systems can help reduce traffic congestion and improve accessibility within cities.

c. Sustainable and green infrastructure: Cities can invest in renewable energy, green spaces, and sustainable buildings to reduce their carbon footprint, improve air quality, and enhance the overall liveability of urban environments.

d. Affordable housing policies: Governments and local authorities can implement policies and programs to promote affordable housing options to address housing affordability challenges.

e. Social and economic equality: Addressing the root causes of socio-economic inequalities through measures such as equitable access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities can contribute to the overall well-being of large cities.

4. There are several ways the average citizen can lower their environmental impact, even if they don't live in a big city:

a. Reduce energy consumption: Use energy-efficient appliances, turn off lights when not in use, unplug electronics, and utilize natural lighting and ventilation whenever possible.

b. Conserve water: Fix leaky faucets, take shorter showers, collect and reuse rainwater for outdoor activities, and use water-saving appliances.

c. Opt for sustainable transportation: Choose walking, cycling, or carpooling whenever possible. If you must use a car, consider using electric or hybrid vehicles.

d. Reduce, reuse, and recycle: Minimize waste by practicing the three Rs – reduce consumption, reuse items as much as possible, and recycle materials such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal.

e. Use eco-friendly products: Choose sustainable and biodegradable products, avoid single-use items, and opt for reusable alternatives like refillable water bottles and cloth shopping bags.

f. Support local and sustainable food systems: Buy locally produced and organic food, reduce meat consumption, and minimize food waste.

g. Engage in environmental advocacy: Voice your concerns about environmental issues, support policies and actions that promote sustainability, and participate in community initiatives focused on environmental stewardship.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and there are numerous ways individuals can contribute to reducing their environmental impact. It's important to research and explore additional options based on your specific context and circumstances.