How was the West impacted by imperialism?

People went West to make money. They didn't care about the Native Americans who lived there nor about the environment.

Thank you so much

Many westerners had embraced the ideas of social Darwinism.

What is your question?

is that considered an effect of how the West was impacted by imperialism?

The imperialists used social Darwinism as an excuse for stealing from the Native Americans.

They may have believed in social Darwinism, but that wasn't the main reason that most of them moved West.

of is that considered an effect on the colonies?

It's an effect that permitted the Natives to be mistreated and permitted the colonists to do so.

Imperialism refers to the practice of extending a nation's power and influence through the establishment of colonies or dominance over other countries. When discussing the impact of imperialism on the West, we typically refer to the European powers that engaged in these imperialistic practices during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

1. Economic Impact: Imperialism allowed Western powers to exploit the resources, labor, and markets of the colonized regions. They extracted valuable resources like minerals, agricultural products, and raw materials from these regions, providing a significant boost to their own economies. Additionally, the colonized territories became captive markets for Western manufactured goods, creating new opportunities for economic growth.

2. Political Impact: Imperialism led to the expansion of European empires and heightened competition between these powers. The scramble for colonies caused tensions and occasional conflicts between Western nations, as they sought to establish dominance over new territories. Moreover, imperialism often involved the imposition of Western political systems and governance structures on the colonized regions.

3. Cultural Impact: The Western powers sought to spread their values, religious beliefs, and cultural norms to the colonized territories. This often resulted in the erasure or marginalization of indigenous cultures and traditions. Western education, language, legal systems, and societal norms were imposed on the colonized peoples, leading to the erosion of their own cultural identities.

4. Technological Impact: Western powers introduced advanced technology and infrastructure to the colonies, such as railroads, ports, telegraph lines, and modern transportation systems. While these developments were primarily intended to facilitate the exploitation of resources and increase control, they also had long-term effects on the development of the colonized regions.

Overall, the impact of imperialism on the West was mostly positive in terms of economic and political gains. However, it also shaped and influenced the Western powers in terms of their beliefs and their position as dominant global players. To find more specific details and examples, you can refer to historical sources, books, articles, or consult experts in the field of history or imperialism.